We work with already established companies and startups that need help in specific areas. Our startup studio offers a flexible hybrid model in which we provide our services at discounted rates and we receive equity from your company. Typically we expect between 0,5% and 10% depending on our engagement and the results we deliver. This model keeps us motivated and aligned with the business goals and milestones that need to be reached.
ave yourself an immense amount of time and money trying to figure out whether your business idea is solid and what the best strategy to realize it is. BattlePass will not only thoroughly analyze and polish your concept but will help you turn it into reality as soon as possible.
FF (Friends, Family and Fools) tend to invest only on your good word and a brief description of your idea. Angel investors and especially VC funds need more convincing. You have to put in more effort in the product development and you need to actually show how it is going to work and feel for your potential customers. With the ‘Product wrap-up’ package you raise your chances of closing your next funding round by improving your product concept & presentation and by reaching a deeper understanding about the unit economics of your business.
ot everyone has a tech guru in their team, we are aware of that - and not only because it’s hard to encounter such people but also because they’re way too expensive. No worries, our venture builder can get rid of this headache of yours by appointing you the tech advisors and developers that every startup founder desperately needs.
nfortunately for most entrepreneurs fundraising can be excruciatingly difficult and time-consuming. Founders often find themselves going into hundreds of meetings, sending thousands of cold emails only to find themselves at the same spot they started off from - without closing a single investment deal. That’s where BattlePass steps in as our team has a track record of establishing connections and closing funding rounds from various types of investors. Not only do you need to be thoroughly prepared but you also need the right network - and we can help with both.
nce you find your Product/Market Fit you'll need to scale fast and do it smart. It is scary to find out that even rapid growth can be a reason for a startup failure. Our job is to help you expand your operations and to reach new markets without taking additional risks and unsafe bets.
n our practice we’ve been astonished to find out how a tiny mistake in the legal foundations, bookkeeping or accounting can cost the company literally a fortune. Startup decision making, ownership rights, Intellectual property protection, tax configuration, and other important topics are way too complex to be solved internally.
he following list of additional services we offer companies and founders is extensive but far from being completely exhaustive.
Start the conversation with our BattlePass Captains. Tell us more about your company and what you need to get to the next level!
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